Introduction - Microsoft Power Point is a presentation software that is used to create on screen slide shows, overhead projector slides, audience handouts and speaker notes. It is parts of MS office suite of software. Power point is the most widely used presentation software.
Features of Power Point :
(i)      Power Point can be used to create black and white overhead transparencies.
(ii)     It can create 35mm slide.
(iii)    It contains six slide views for various purposes.
(iv)    It supports pictures for effective slide design.
(v)     It has a wide variety of ready made templates.
(vi)    It has a support for scanners to input images. 
(vii)   It has a laptop support that disable screen saver and power save modes while delivering                            presentations.
(viii)  It supports importing and exporting of slides from other files.
(ix)    It support graphs and organization chart .it can be used to create colored overhead transparencies.
(x)     It can be used to create colored overhead transparencies.
(xi)    It support bullets and numbering for creating list .
(xii)   It can create slide shows for computer screen or projector.
Components of a Slide- The slide of power point can contain various elements. The speaker must be aware of the components that he can add into a slide of the presentation .following are the mainly used components of a power point slide .
(1) Title-A power point slide generally has title that describes the topic slide .it gives the main idea to to which the content are related .
(2) Subtitle-It is the descriptive message of  few lines that gives the central idea of the information contained in the slide .
(3) Drawing Objects-Various drawing object like autoshapes and word art can embedded into a slide to improve its book .
(4) Clipart and Pictures-Pictures and clipart related to the subject of the slide. This helps audiences to understand the content effectively.
(5) Chart-charts are also used to describe numerical and statical data.
(6) Supporting Components-The is a compact unit that contains information in a concise form. All the details about a topic cannot be included in the slide . the speakers may require some supporting documents slide in a miniature form. following are the mainly used component of such type: